lunes, 18 de enero de 2021

Indian game

An eventful Monday

after finishing my work
I felt that living void
deep, painful,
dense but foam,
impossible to fill.

I spent 10 quid
on lukewarm beer,
latent addictions
anxiety written in capitals
as mustard on my wounds
winter cold running my neck
bed bugs menacing my skin
who waited me patiently
to get laid.

Leaf through
"Le Fakir" en francais,
and slightly drank
all of it;
while Dvořák flowed over
the new dirty kitchen.

Needy for
bloody bitter flavour,
not to forget
even for a while
that I was still alive.

Once again when
my ribs were well placed back,
I regret jealous of
the poor men
who own
their own time.

Self slavery.

London system

Soy un haiku

viajando de noche,
accediendo al día.
Dejando tras de mí
la última tormenta.

A estas alturas
las de mi piel estriada,
en el frío reflejo de lo pasado
en un "Paname" anónimo,
Villon yacía ahorcado.

Al cesar la huída
Tú no crees
que haya tenido
sueños azules del futuro,
que durmiera extinto
a tu pies en la noche,
que por placer haya capeado,
frías azoteas denudadas.

Después de estornudos
y sacros despertares,
no me importa cuando
volvamos a vernos.
Siempre hay humo en mi ventana.

Cierro tus ojos y veo
pasos sinuosos,
cumbia foresta
pavor a la mediocridad
vehemente embriaguez vilipendiada;
una "fente" pálida,
tímida, excelsa,

Me rindo
a todas esas cosas en la vida
que no requieren ser comprendidas,
si no sin condiciones

sábado, 2 de enero de 2021

Giuoco piano


Consider that 

in this life,

you are just an interim element:

a person in temporary transit 

from provisional being to consistent not being.

And the most likely is

that you will make the same mistakes

once and

thousands of times more.

(In a row, row!, row!)

So, you'd better get used to it

or find a rapid way to fix it.

Keep an eye on your desires,

fate is very capable of granting them to you,

but never in a way that your mind

had originally conceived them...

rather in an oracular omen.

We found a calm lizard 

in the first steps of 

our journey together to the past.